Erectile Dysfunction
Explore Erectile Dysfunctionrelated questions
Erectile Disfunction and Sildenafil
3 years
I am 61 years old with high blood pressure and under medication. Can i safely use Sildenafil to overcome my problem with ED?
- Anonymous
I am heavy smoker before and I noticed I suffer erectile dysfunction
5 years
Hey, I am heavy smoker before and I noticed I suffer erectile dysfunction… Sometimes I get the morning stick but it still not hard enough? What should i do now?"
- dexsterIssue with erection during the masturbation
3 years
Recently, I have experiencing a weird issue with my masturbation. The symptoms are as below: There are no any form erection happens when viewing porns. The only way to trigger the erection is …
- Anonymous
Penis shrink and pain
3 years
Is it e.d. urgent medication.
- Anonymous
Penis erection problem
3 years
I am in the mid of 40s, having the above problem. Any recommendations?
- Anonymous
Sensitive, pre - ejaculation & ED symptoms
4 years
before this i have no problem with my erection. but, one day, during the erection my penis just like snap (people say it ‘patah tandan’). this happen when I’m 19 years old. since then, my penis …
- Anonymous
Sexual problem. Wants to last longer
4 years
Well just wanted to last longer. And its been long time that i am having difficulties in that. How can get a prescription to buy viagra
- Anonymous
Erictile dysfunction
4 years
I’m a male of 38 years old.I’m facing problem of Erictile dysfunction.
- Anonymous
Erectile dysfunction happens
4 years
Hi…I’m age 26 with high cholesterol level. To be honest I have masturbated during MCO 1.0 and now I can feel my penis getting weaker and about a week cant even get strong. I’m wondering which t…
- Anonymous
Erectile dysfunction happens sometime
4 years
im age 55 no high blood no diabetes overall i have a good health but lately my pennis has become weak & lost desire to have sex but it has improve wt regularly exersice & added supplement such a…
- Anonymous
I have a problem maintaining an erection
4 years
I’m afraid that i have a condition as erection dysfunction as i can’t maintain an erection and is not as hard as before. This condition started around 2months ago. I have no problem with an erec…
- Anonymous
Horny Goat Weed supplement
4 years
I am a guy, 26 years old. I have Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation issue. Recently I heard about Horny Goat Weed supplement, does the supplement help to cure Erectile Dysfunction a…
- Anonymous
To purchase tadalafi for ED
4 years
I’m 70 years of age. I’m having ED n low sperm problem. Im still healthy. I don’t have high blood pressure,diapetes or heart disease. Can I purchase the medication.
- Anonymous
Problem with maintaining erection
4 years
I’m 34 year old male with height 5’11" and weight 84 kg. I have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (in 2018) for which I am taking pentasa. However, I have facing issues with maintaining ere…
- Anonymous
Erectile dysfunction issues
4 years
Im 39 year old, believe i have erectile dysfunction. Do i need to see urologist or GP doctor for this issue ? please advise.
- Anonymous
Erectile Dysfunction help
4 years
Erectile Dysfunction
- Anonymous
Erectile dysfunction in 25 old
4 years
im Man 25 old i want to know what meaning erectile dysfunction
- Anonymous
I think i got erectile disfunction
4 years
Hello Doc…Here my question… I’m 17 year’s old now and when I’m 13 year’s old I learned to masturbate and its made me addicted to it…Now I try to slowly stop doing that and I think I can’t get ha…
- Anonymous
Penis glan sensitivity
4 years
My penis glan (mushroom head) has been come from ineer penis.It’s two days ago.Then, it’s so sensitive and painful whenever it erscts I’m not even circumsized.I don’t know what to do.It fell like 100 …
- tresvarc
I would like to know quite sometime ago about my sex live
4 years
Hello Doctor, I would like to know quite sometime ago about my sex live. I’m 50 year of age, currently got taken medicine from Doctor for my High Blood pressure & sugar level high. My problem …
- Anonymous
No erection at all and no sexual feeling suddenly
4 years
I’m 36 year old male not married. Lately was i stress due to MCO and work from home. Past few week didnt have proper sleep especially at nite. The most i can sleep 2 to 3 hours. Recently bought …
- Anonymous
Erection dysfunction, does Kamagra helps to to enhance sexual performance?
4 years
To enhance my performance
- Anonymous
Chest numbness and problem with holding an erection
4 years
I am 23, male. Been experiencing random numbness(sometimes pain) in chest, left arm and back since 3 months ago. Recently, I discovered that this numbness usually comes after I am sexually excit…
- Anonymous
Soft cock no cum mole on dick
5 years
I’m a male in my 40s, I cant keep my cock hard and I cant cum. I also have a mole on my dick and I cut it everytime I shave
- Anonymous
Sexual health medication
5 years
I would like to start taking ED medication, i.e. viagra, sidegra etc; do i need medical check first?
- Anonymous
Blood in semen after masturbation
5 years
Im early 30’s and having sex with my wife once or twice a week. But seldom we are busy and i will masturbate. I noticed blood in my semen and my first encounter is around 40-50% of the fluid is blood …
- lucifier
An erection cannot last
5 years
Male is 48 years old and my wife is incapable of making love when they have sex.
- naichong.mok
Lepas urut saya merasa zakar saya tibe² lembik
5 years
Saya lelaki umur 27 . Saya suka melakukan onani . Pada satu hari sy urut menggunakan minyak lintah serta urut dengan minyak tu . Saya dapati zakar saya tibe² lembik dan xmahu menegang lagi . Ape yg sa…
- superpetak77
Erectile dysfunction - suddenly
5 years
Hi, suddenly since almost last 1 month I am not getting erection and neither getting in any mood for sex (not even thinking with anyone). I am only 31 and in happy marriage since 3 years but sud…
- Anonymous
Erectile Dysfunction men problem
5 years
i’m 39 years old men, married with 1 kid, plan to have 2nd kid, but i having erectile dysfunction, penis unable to harder and longer period, it can’t stand for than 2-3 min , when sex activities…
- Anonymous